Thursday, October 1, 2009

Officially official, just one thing...

OK, we now have over 21 members! Actually 25 members! So this is my letter to you,

Dear Swiftstorm,
Thanks to all of yours and my efforts we have accomplished our first victory! We will soon be official. Now we embark on the next part of our journey, the hard part. As Gandalf says after the battle of Helms Deep, (not word for word of course) "I fear that this is just the first battle of many" Wow, I probably did that terrible injustice. I fear that this was but the easiest part of the journey, and it will take struggling to reach the top, but, that is not without hope! We will prevail above Silvertree, Nightwing, and Valorbrand among others. They will not put us down! Nay, when they brag that they scored twenty thousand points, we shall use that and win forty thousand points!
Now I say to thee, a promise of me. I will be on, I dedicate myself to make at LEAST 200 points a day and 2000 points a week. Now you may say to yourself '200 points a day! 2000 a week! This kids pathetic.' But my promise is not the points I will be earning, but that I will be on, and earning points, that I will not score some grand 15000 points and not do it again for 3 months or more (even though I don't think it even lasts that long) but that I will be earning something each day, starting next Monday. I will also always respond to your emails, all that I ask is that you do the same. Sadly, I will not be able to comment on the blogspot all the time because of computer problems, but I will usually be on the forum and on comment threads by WTB and CH. I will try to get on this as much as my computer allows though.
Now, go out and earn points. Let Swiftstorm reign above all others, but in everything we do, let us honor the One Who created us. Let us bring glory to Christ! It has begun!

Location of myself: Tampa Florida

PS, please do not friend me on Facebook, this may sound rude, but there are some personal thins there, and it's not that I don't trust you but I only friend people that I know off the computer, thanks.


  1. I cannot promise a similar committment but I can assure you that when I do send point reports to you they will be large. All hail Swiftstorm!

  2. Ha ha!! I'll wait for the Batson's announcement. Huzzah for Swiftstorm!! I will do my best to collect as many points as possible.

    ps. -- Heya, whisper! Cool that we're all on the same team!!

  3. Hoorah! Seth, could you keep us updated on what we can do like with the things where we have limited points?

  4. "HUZZAH!" Ooo, I believe I t'was just elbowed by Nock! *laughs*

    Bravo, Tribe Leader! Thou art doing magnificently!

    Under one Creator. Glory be to Him alone. Through every detail, great and small, let us glorify Him. Bright lights that pierce the darkness, unstained by any sin. Let us endure until our victory, and if we fail, still lift our hands to Him.

    (Do not tell Keeneye about my horrid rhyming! *laughs* It was not supposed to be a poem, but I fear the end sounds like it. Oh well.)

  5. Okay, first points won by moi!

    100 for having a link to WTB's blog on my blog

    100 for joining the Underground

  6. Yeah, i'll do my best to get something every day too. today i joined the forum for 100 points

  7. Hey Seth. This is Thomas. I earned 600 points for posting the amazon thing and the link for Mr. Batson's blog. Here is the link for the stuff.

    Here you go! 600 points!

  8. My first points are...

    100 points for joining the forum (Username: Brianna)

    100 points for mentioning WTB's books on my blog (link:

    100 points for link to WTB's blog on my blog (link:

    100 points for article abut WTB's books (link: (You may have noticed... the mentioning of his books AND the link are both in the same article. Just wondering, do they still count individually for 100 points?)

    100 points for link to WTB's blog on my blog (link: (You have to scroll down a little bit... it's on the right under the label "Recommended Blogs".)

    900 points for mentioning WTB and CH's books on my blog (mentioned 9 books: CotSK, 3 books by CH, 3 books in TDW trilogy, and both pirate books by WTB) (link:

    100 points for link to CH's blog on my blog (link:

    100 points for link to WTB's blog on my blog (link:

    100 points (again!) for link to WTB's blog on my blog (link:

    100 points for link to CotSK website (link:

    WOW! A total of 1800 points! Believe me, I will NOT be earning this many points every day... =)

  9. Well, I just went on a spree, so I don't think I'll be earning any more points today. =]

    200 points for putting TDW cover art on my blog

    200 points for putting RotWL cover art on my blog

    200 points for putting TFS cover art on my blog

    200 points for putting IoS cover art on my blog

    200 points for putting IoF cover art on my blog

    100 points for putting a link to CH's website on my blog

    100 points for putting a link to the CotSK website on my blog

    That's it. Everything's in the sidebar, and all the books link to their Amazon page. Total points: 1200. (Yikes!)

  10. should probably make this page private. I haven't read anything...but yeah...private :P lol

  11. Oi! Begone thou cursed rival tribe! What art thou doing on our blog in any case? *laughs*

  12. *sigh*

    Nathan, I've said this before, but really, no one can steal our points!! They can't include our links and claim to be the authors of our blogs!! And I really don't care if they see what we're up to. It will do nothing but strike fear in their hearts...muahahaha....

  13. I have finally created a review! *laughs* I know, I am pitiful. This was a test to see how the reviews would work, in any case. I believe it is a mere 100 points (but I am not certain and my internet is not letting me on The Underground at the moment for a mysterious, unknown reason, so you may wish to double check). The review is for The Door Within, and here be the link:

  14. For those who didn't get Seth's email, there are going to be officers that are in charge of a certain group of people. You send them the points, and the officers add them up, and send them to Seth. Also, instead of asking Seth questions, you ask your officer. Officers are also like advisors to the Tribe leader. So prepare to get assigned to a officer!

  15. Since I haven't given Seth his email address, could he contact me via my blog ( to assign me to an officer?

    Also, since we have over twenty-members, I'm just wondering if we've claimed the "Swiftstorm" title yet from Wayne Thomas Batson. So, have we?

  16. Oops! I meant "twenty-one members"! =)

  17. lol.... I'll tell Seth to asign you to an officer.

  18. Me too!! Don't forget me, Nate, and bunny lover!! =D

  19. We just got a new blog, so that means more points! (tell me if you get this)

    1200 for putting cover art on our blog (all of WTB's books and COTSK, all linked to Amazon and you have to scroll down a little)

    300 for putting up links to WTB and CH's blogs and the Berinfell Prophecies website (sidebar)

    total: 1500

  20. Hey guys. This is Thomas/Swiftstorm-Tribe.
    Seth said certain peoples won't be put under officers (I think he think's i'm annoying lol). Keep commenting here to give points.. Seth, if you can read this, Madeline and Brianna have obtained an incredible amount of points. Total, what I have earned is 1700.... I defintly won't be in the top 2 scorers... lol.

  21. Us three sibs just collectively bought CotSK. add our points if it isn't too late -- I'm emailing WTB the receipt.

  22. AWESOME MADELINE!!!!!!!! I ORDERED IT, SETH ORDERED IT, AND YOU ORDERED IT!!!! SWIFTSTORM GETS 5000 BONUS POINTS!!!!! OH YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (forgive my caps.... i'm excited :)


  23. GO SWIFTSTORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea, Thomas!! Hang on, Seth ordered two, didn't he?? Did you include both???

  24. Oh yeah, Thomas, whisper also bought one. I'm not sure if she's officially a tribe member, but I think so.

  25. Who's Whisper? IDK about Seth, but i'll tell him. How old are you? I don't care if you don't answer, I'm just wondering if you are close to my age.

  26. She's on the forum (and actually I know her) and she said she's a member of the Swiftstorm tribe. Ask Seth. He should have a list of members...

    And me, I'm 15. You?

  27. Hey! I joined the fourm! 100 points for me!
    (I'm bunnylover03)

  28. Hey, anyone who was not assigned to an officer, just put you points on here.
